Mon 27 Jan
🌹PetitEBustY BLonDECollegE CutiE🌹 💫NO UpseLLinG EVER💫🌺FLatRateS 🌺 ❤️ 💯% indePenDenT ❤️ 🌸VerifieD W/GreaT ReviewS - 27
(Philadelphia, Outcall ONLY to Philly & suburbs)
🌹 HaveFunW/A PetitE &BustY; CollegE CutiE🌹 🌺FLatRateS 🌺❤️ 💯% indePenDenT ❤️ 🌸VerifieD W/GreaT ReviewS🌸 - 26
(Philadelphia, Outcall ONLY to Philly & suburbs)
✨SEXYBustY PetitE&DiscreeT; ✨🌹ChecK OuTMY NEWpics 🌹🌸NO UpseLLinG 🌸💯% independent 💖Reviewed &VerifieD;💖 - 26
(Philadelphia, Outcall Philly & suburbs)
🌹PetitEBustY BLonDECollegE CutiE🌹 💫NO UpseLLinG EVER💫🌺FLatRateS 🌺 ❤️ 💯% indePenDenT ❤️ 🌸VerifieD W/GreaT ReviewS - 27
(Philadelphia, Outcall ONLY to Philly & suburbs)
🌹 HaveFunW/A PetitE &BustY; CollegE CutiE🌹 🌺FLatRateS 🌺❤️ 💯% indePenDenT ❤️ 🌸VerifieD W/GreaT ReviewS🌸 - 26
(Philadelphia, Outcall ONLY to Philly & suburbs)
BEAUTIFUL 💃 BLONDE 👸 ADDICTION 💕 discreet meets a sensual experience😶.check out my pictures😘 - 25
(Philadelphia, Philly, kop, and suburbs outcall)
🌹SEXYBustY PetitE&DiscreeT;🌹⭐️🌸NO UpseLLinG 🌸💯% independent 💖Reviewed &VerifieD;💖 - 27
(Philadelphia, Outcall Philly & suburbs)
💋ReViEwEd &VeRiFieD;💋 NEW PicS 💗UpScaLe DiScrEEtPeTiTe &BustY;💗🌹💯% iNdePenDenT 💘NOUpseLLinG EVER🌹💘 - 26
(Philadelphia, Philly&Suburbs; Outcall ONLY)
_ ____ ____ SATISFACTION _______ _____ BeYoNd____ _______ EXPECTATION ___ ___ - 26
*MANDY- INCALL & OUTCALL TONIGHT - Available Now! Call me!** Natural Beauty **Pretty Petite Blonde!! - 22
(Philadelphia, OUTCALL-Philly & suburbs, INCALL)
*MANDY!!*OUTCALL!! *swEEt & SenSuaL-ALL NATURAL bLonDe BeauTy+ CuDdLy CuTie-*Fetish Friendly** - 22
(Philadelphia, OUTCALL-philly & suburbs)
*MANDY- OUTCALL/ CENTER CITY INCALL AFTER 4!** Natural Beauty **Pretty Petite Blonde!! - 22
(Philadelphia, OUTCALL-Philly & suburbs, INCALL)
========== ●○ ========= Let Me Come Pamper Your Needs ========= ●○ ========= - 26
Just ARRIVED*:PETITE♡:*,*: Asian & Latina beauty:*:••◆♡••:*:••◆♡ ◆♡ - 29
(Center City, OUTCALL Philly & All Suburbs, Philadelphia)
Friendly hottie! Independent babe! Penns Landing Incall MONDAY 10AM--1PM.! spc.$1O0 310-428-8072 - 30
(In-out $100 Penns Landing)
•-:¦:-•* E v E r Y *•-:¦:-•* M a N s *•-:¦:-•* F a N t A s Y **•-:¦:-•* - - 26
Mon 13 Jan
🌺TrY SomethinG NEW🌺 💋ReViEwEd &VeRiFieD;💋 NEW PicS 💗UpScaLe DiScrEEtPeTiTe &BustY; 💘NOUpseLLinG 💘 - 26
(Philadelphia, Philly&Suburbs; Outcall ONLY)
Sun 12 Jan
💋Upscale& Discreet💋Top10 VegasEscort 🌹FlaT RaTeS🌹💯% independent💋 VerifiedW GreatReviews💋 - 26
(Philadelphia, Outcall Philly & suburbs)
🌹SEXYBustY PetitE&DiscreeT;🌹⭐️NEW LowRates⭐️🌸NO UpseLLinG 🌸💯% independent 💖Reviewed &VerifieD;💖 - 26
(Philadelphia, Outcall Philly & suburbs)
⭐️WannA KnowWhat UrGetting⭐️ 🎉💯% REAL&RECENT; PICS🎉 💔HearTBreaking GooDLookS💔 🌺Well Reviewed& EasilyVerified🌺 🌀⭐️FLAT RATES ⭐️🌀 - 28
(Center City, Philadelphia, Philly & Suburbs Outcall ONLY)
————— V!S!T!NG ———— ஐ ———— E X O T I C ———— ஐ ———— BLONDE ———— ஐ———— - 26
(Philadelphia, outcall ONLY Philly and suburbs)
**MONDAY SPECIAL 200/hr MANDY! **OUTCALL ONLY!! Available Now* Bombshell Blonde! *Fetish Friendly * - 22
(Philadelphia, OUTCALL-Philly & suburbs)
Sat 11 Jan
✨SEXYBustY PetitE&DiscreeT; ✨🌹ChecK OuTMY NEWpics 🌹🌸NO UpseLLinG 🌸💯% independent 💖Reviewed &VerifieD;💖 - 26
(Philadelphia, Outcall Philly & suburbs)
*MANDY! OUTCALL ALL NIGHT!! AVAILABLE NOW!! ** Natural Beauty **Pretty Petite Blonde!! - 22
(Philadelphia, OUTCALL-Philly & suburbs)
**MANDY! 200hr SPECIAL SUNDAY LATE NIGHT OUTCALLS!! swEEt & SenSuaL- bLonDe BeauTy*Fetish Friendly* - 22
(Philadelphia, OUTCALL-philly & suburbs)
*MANDY! OUTCALL AVAILABLE ALL DAY/ INCALL AFTER 4PM** Natural Beauty **Pretty Petite Blonde!! - 22
(Philadelphia, OUTCALL-Philly & suburbs)
( ♥ HOT ♥ PLAYMATE ♥ ) :: :: ( ♥♥1OO% REAL ♥REVIEWED♥ ) :: :: ( ♥♥ AVAiLABLE ♥♥ ) :: :: ( ♥♥ NOW ) - 24
**** SWEET like SUGAR and UP ALL NIGHT!! **** MANDY 267 235 0846 - 23
(Philadelphia, outcall philly & suburbs)
—————— ——————— ❤ ——————— BUSTY ♥ BLONDE——————— ❤ ——————— - 26
Fri 10 Jan
💫FlatRate SpeciaL💫 💋 CALL NOW 💋🌟VerifiEd WitH AWESOME ReViEwS🌟 💋 BustYBLondE PetitE&DicReeT; - 28
(Center City, Philadelphia, Philly&Suburbs; Outcall ONLY)
**BRAND NEW! AVAILABLE NOW!** Beautiful Blonde College Cutie MANDY- Fetishes Welcome!!! - 22
(Philadelphia, OUTCALL-Philly & suburbs)
💔TireDOfThE SamE OLD ScamS💔🌸GeT ThE REAL DEAL🌸💋 PetitE&DiscreeT; BustYBeautY💋 💗FLAT RateS💗☎️CaLL NoW☎️ - 26
(Philadelphia, Philly&Suburbs; Outcall ONLY)
Thu 09 Jan
💔TireDOfThE SamE OLD ScamS💔🌸GeT ThE REAL DEAL🌸💋 PetitE&DiscreeT; BustYBeautY💋 💗NewLowRateS💗 ☎️CaLLNoW☎️ - 27
(Philadelphia, Philly&Suburbs; Outcall ONLY)
✨SPECIAL FlaTRatE✨ 🌺BustY BeautifuL &DiscreeT;🌺 💋 Reviewed &Verified; 💋 💯% Independent ☎️CallNOW☎️ - 26
(Philadelphia, Philly & Suburbs OUTCALL ONLY)
BEAUTIFUL 💃 BLONDE 👸 ADDICTION 💕 discreet meets a sensual experience😶.check out my pictures😘 - 25
(Philadelphia, Philly, kop, and suburbs outcall)
✨Beautiful SEXYbusty PETITEsweet TREAT✨ 💋 Reviewed &Verified; 💋 💗FLATrates💗 💯% Independent ☎️CallNOW☎️ - 26
(Philadelphia, Philly & Suburbs OUTCALL ONLY)
💔TireDOfThE SamE OLD ScamS💔🌸GeT ThE REAL DEAL🌸💋 PetitE&DiscreeT; BustYBeautY💋 💗NewLowRateS💗 ☎️CaLLNoW☎️ - 27
(Philadelphia, Philly&Suburbs; Outcall ONLY)
🌹PetitEBustY BLonDECollegE CutiE🌹 💫NO UpseLLinG EVER💫🌺FLatRateS 🌺 ❤️ 💯% indePenDenT ❤️ 🌸VerifieD W/GreaT ReviewS - 27
(Philadelphia, Outcall ONLY to Philly & suburbs)
☆☆☆☆☆ 5 STAR ... ( Wow ) ... Good Girl with Bad Habits.. ♥ ♥.. Petite Fun Bombshell .♥ - 24
*MANDY* LaTE NiGHt SPECIAL 200/hr * SWeeT & SenSuaL-ALL NATURAL BeauTy-CoLLege CuTie*Fetish Friendly - 22
(Philadelphia, OUTCALL-Philly & suburbs)
*-*BRAND NEW! MORNING SPECIAL 200/hr*-* Beautiful Blonde College Cutie MANDY- Fetishes Welcome!!! - 22
(Philadelphia, OUTCALL-Philly & suburbs)
🏈Eagles Victory FootbaLL SpeciaL🏈 🏆TheyWin YouWin🏆 💋ReViEwEd &VeRiFieD;💋 NEW PicS 💗UpScaLe DiScrEEtPeTiTe &BustY; 💘NOUpseLLinG 💘 - 27
(Philadelphia, Philly&Suburbs; Outcall ONLY)
Wed 08 Jan
💗 Well~Reviewed &Verified;💗 ☎️CaLL NOW DonT WastE TimE💋💘PetitE DiscReeT BustYBLondE TreaT💘 💋 FLatRateS💋 NO Upselling - 27
(Philadelphia, Philly&Suburbs; Outcall ONLY)
◄► ; ULTIMATE **** BLISS◄ ► ;♥ E Y E __ C A N D Y♥ - 21
(Philadelphia, Outcall PHILLY AND SUBURBS)
*MANDY!!*OUTCALL!! AFTERNOON SPecIAL*swEEt & SenSuaL-ALL NATURAL bLonDe BeauTy-*Fetish Friendly - 22
(Philadelphia, OUTCALL-philly & suburbs)
💖4GeT TheResT💖 ☎️CaLL TheBest 💗SexYSweeT BustYBLondE TreaT💗 💋NO UpSeLLinG EVER💋 🌺Reviewed &VerifieD;🌺 - 27
(Philadelphia, Outcall ONLY2Philly & suburbs)
🌹Petite&DiscreeT; BustyBLonde CollegeCutiE🌹 💫NO UpseLLinG EVER💫🌺New ⬇️⬇️LOWER⬇️⬇️FLatRateS 🌺 ❤️ 💯% indePenDenT ❤️ 🌸VerifieD W/GreaT ReviewS - 27
(Philadelphia, Outcall ONLY to Philly & suburbs)
*•-:¦:-•* E v E r Y *•-:¦:-•* M a N s *•-:¦:-•* F a N t A s Y **•-:¦:-•* - 26
(Philadelphia, outcall philly and suburbs)
Tue 07 Jan
100 ♥ 100 ♥ Candy Does It Better, on a Sat Night ♥ 100 ♥ 100 - 24
(Philadelphia, Philly/ Suburbs Outcall)
💔TireDOfThE SamE OLD ScamS💔🌸GeT ThE REAL DEAL🌸💋 PetitE&DiscreeT; BustYBeautY💋 💗NewLowRateS💗 ☎️CaLLNoW☎️ - 26
(Philadelphia, Philly&Suburbs; Outcall ONLY)
**SWEET & SENSUAL MANDY**-All Natural College Cutie-- Petite Blonde Bombshell- -Fetish Friendly* - 22
(Philadelphia, OUTCALL-Philly & suburbs)
*-*AVAILABLE NOW! SPECIAL 200/hr!!*-* MANDY Beautiful Blonde College Cutie- Fetishes Welcome!!! - 22
(Philadelphia, OUTCALL-Philly & suburbs)
✨SPECIAL FlaTRatE✨ 🌺BustY BeautifuL &DiscreeT;🌺 💋 Reviewed &Verified; 💋 💯% Independent ☎️CallNOW☎️ - 26
(Philadelphia, Philly & Suburbs OUTCALL ONLY)
🌀NewLowRate🌀 🌹PetitE &BustY; CollegE CutiE🌹 🌺FLatRateS 🌺❤️ 💯% indePenDenT ❤️ 🌸VerifieD W/GreaT ReviewS🌸 - 26
(Philadelphia, Outcall ONLY to Philly & suburbs)
Nothing Like The Rest 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Put My Skills To The Test Alexis - 24
(Center City, Philadelphia, Philly outcall suburbs too Outcalls)
Mon 06 Jan
💗 Well~Reviewed &Verified;💗 ☎️CaLL NOW DonT WastE TimE💋💘PetitE DiscReeT BustYBLondE TreaT💘 💋 FLatRateS💋 NO Upselling - 27
(Philadelphia, Philly&Suburbs; Outcall ONLY)
BEAUTIFUL 💃 BLONDE 👸 ADDICTION 💕 discreet meets a sensual experience😶.check out my pictures😘 - 25
(Philadelphia, Philly, kop, and suburbs outcall)
babe indepandent fun gal -spc. outcall center city airport ,northeas$140 hottie playful 310-428-8072 - 30
(-out call only $140 310-428-8072)
💗 Well~Reviewed &Verified;💗 NewPics 💋 SexyPetite DiscreetBlonde Treat💋💘💯% iNdepEndEnt 💘🌹FlatRates🌹NO Upselling - 27
(Philadelphia, Philly&Suburbs; Outcall ONLY)
⭐️WannA KnowWhat UrGetting⭐️ 🎉💯% REAL&RECENT; PICS🎉 💔HearTBreaking GooDLookS💔 🌺Well Reviewed& EasilyVerified🌺 🌀⭐️FLAT RATES ⭐️🌀 - 28
(Center City, Philadelphia, Philly & Suburbs Outcall ONLY)
**SWEET & SENSUAL MANDY**-All Natural Beauty!!-- Petite Blonde Bombshell- -Fetish Friendly* - 22
(Philadelphia, OUTCALL-Philly & suburbs)
Sun 05 Jan
💗 Well~Reviewed &Verified;💗💋 SexyPetite DiscreetBlonde Treat💋💘💯% iNdepEndEnt 💘🌹FlatRates🌹NO Upselling - 26
(Philadelphia, Philly&Suburbs; Outcall ONLY)
💗 Well~Reviewed &Verified;💗 ☎️CaLL NOW DonT WastE TimE💋💘DiscReeT BustYBLondE TreaT💘 💋 FLatRateS💋 NO Upselling - 27
(Philadelphia, Philly&Suburbs; Outcall ONLY)
Sat 04 Jan
🏈NFL Sunday Special🏈⭐️ Start UrWeek Right⭐️☎️Call Me☎️🔑Key2Happiness 🔑 🌹🚫UpsellingEVER🚫 - 26
(Philadelphia, Philly&Suburbs; OUTCALL ONLY)
BEAUTIFUL 💃 BLONDE 👸 ADDICTION 💕 discreet meets a sensual experience😶.check out my pictures😘 - 28
(Center City, Philadelphia, Philly, kop, and suburbs outcall)
💋WeLL~ReViEwEd &VeRiFieD;💋 💗UpScaLe &DiScrEEt; PeTiTe BustYBLonDE💗🌹💯% iNdePenDenT 💘NOUpseLLinG EVER🌹💘 - 26
(Philadelphia, Philly&Suburbs; Outcall ONLY)
***** *** sweet *** tempting *** *** sweet *** tempting ****** - 21
(Philadelphia, outcall philly & suburbs)
FRIDAY NITE FUN!!!! Available all nite. Outcall incall - 21
(Philadelphia, philly area and suburbs outcall only)
°•★• NEW*UPSCALE*BREATH TAKING*Fiery Redhead GirL-Next Door For All Your NEEDS*.°•★ - 25
(Center City, OUTCALL ONLY----Philly - all suburbs, Philadelphia)
Fri 03 Jan
⭐️WannA KnowWhat UrGetting⭐️ ☎️CaLL ME☎️ 💔HearTBreaking GooDLookS💔 🌺Well Reviewed& EasilyVerified🌺 🌀⭐️FLAT RATES ⭐️🌀 - 27
(Philadelphia, Philly & Suburbs Outcall ONLY)
🌺StaYInsidE &Lets; HavEaPlaYDatE🌺 💋SEXYBustY PetitE&DiscreeT;💋 💔 HeartbreakinG GooDLookS💔 🔷FLaTRateS🔷 - 26
(Philadelphia, Philly & Suburbs OUTCALL ONLY)
🌀NewLowRate🌀 🌹PetitE &BustY; CollegE CutiE🌹 💫NEW PICS💫🌺FLatRateS 🌺❤️ 💯% indePenDenT ❤️ 🌸VerifieD W/GreaT ReviewS🌸 - 27
(Philadelphia, Outcall ONLY to Philly & suburbs)
Thu 02 Jan