Fri 10 Jan
60 💕 120 💕 160 💕 BbW dEvIoUs AdUlT eNtErTaInEr LeAvEn N tHe MoRnEn I'm NoT rEtUrNeN dNt MiSs.. 💕💋💕 - 29
(Philadelphia, By the airport (incalls only))
Tue 07 Jan
60 💕 120 💕 160 💕 BbW dEvIoUs AdUlT eNtErTaInEr LeAvEn N tHe MoRnEn I'm NoT rEtUrNeN dNt MiSs.. 💕💋💕 - 29
(Philadelphia, By the airport (incalls only))
Fri 03 Jan