Sun 12 Jan
toP SeCReT !!!!★ RarE BeautY ★CLeaN & CUrvY★ SoFT N SWeET★ ToTAL KNocKouT - 20
(Philadelphia, Visting Center City Now)
Returning HOME to Center City, Wednesday the 16th, the newest East Coast Goddess TS KC t4m - 68
(Philadelphia, Now LIVING in Center City)
Sat 11 Jan
TS Krissi Couture in Center City; I am available to a select few t4m - 68
(Philadelphia, Now LIVING in Center City)
Just Arrived!! AVAILABLE NOW 10inch Hung Transexual TRACY SWORD (Beautiful & Exotic) - 22
***LAST 2 DAY VISITING STADIUM PHILL TS KARREN call me now ....... I enjoy teaching you. - 28
TS Krissi Couture available in Center City; Specials all through the month of December t4m - 68
(Philadelphia, Now LIVING in Center City)
Fri 10 Jan
***LAST DAY & NIGTH VISITING CENTER CITY TS KARREN call me now ....... I enjoy teaching you. - 28
The NEW, Mproved, TS ALPHA, and EAST coast goddess, Krissi Couture based out of Philly t4m - 68
(Philadelphia, Now LIVING in Center City)
— ASIAN TEMPTATION —** #1 playmate Come Experience PERFECTION! [NEW pics] L0v3 t0 PARTY - 23
(Philadelphia, Visting Center City Now)
(¯`'•.¸.•' Sexy Chocolate TOP TS beauty ('•.¸ .•' Skilled In SENSUAL TOUCH `'•.¸¸.•)' - 24
(Philadelphia, Graduate Hospital)
★ Raven White ★ and her 1Oinch Candy-Bar bring your Ruler Boys it's the real thing!!!! - 22
(Center city)
Thu 09 Jan
HiGH CLASS F0R HiGH R0LLERS 🔥⚡️VIDE0 PR00F⚡️🔥Assume the Position UnLIKE HeR👆 & HeR👇Busty BloNDE - 24
(Center City, CENTER CITY NOW !!, Philadelphia)
Wed 08 Jan
The untamed, incorrigible, & uncanny TS Krissi Couture in Center City t4m - 68
(Philadelphia, Now LIVING in Center City)
ReAL FuN🅾✖️🅾 #1 sheFreak PlAyMaTe🅾✖️🅾 100% PRiVaCy🅾✖️🅾MIXED SeNSuaL🅾✖️🅾 REaL Photos🅾✖️🅾 RE - 24
(center city vip ready now party party😍, Philadelphia)
Tue 07 Jan
Lusty full of cream tS. Dixie letS get kinky hardcore style ! - 22
(Philadelphia, Visting Center City Now)
Good nights in philadelphia center city Philadelphia p - 26
(Center city hotel upscale, Philadelphia)
just arrivived HiT YouR Knees and EXPERIEnce Loads (( *ExTrEmElY * )) big shemeat BOTTOM or TOP* - 20
(Philadelphia, Center City Hosting Now)
Mon 06 Jan
S I N F U L L ¥ ~*¦:-*~ S € D U C † i V € ~*-:¦:-*~ DANGEROURSL¥ ~*-:¦:-ADDiCTiNG ~ - 20
Now LIVING in Center City! Philly's MOST coveted, TS Krissi Couture, available for a select few t4m - 68
(Philadelphia, Now LIVING in Center City)
Sun 05 Jan
Sat 04 Jan