- Post ID : 3737575
- Poster's age : 24
- City : Philadelphia
- Address : Philadelphia, I live in the grtr NE-you can be anywh
Decent Seasoned Gal Seeking An Ongoing Monogamous Relationship With A Younger Good-Looking Gentleman - 99
Posted : Wednesday, January 08, 2025 05:49 PM | 6 views
* * * I am a highly intellectual female, refined, with quite a repetoire, of interests, as well as ultimate character. I am an upbeat and highly skilled musician, into Nature and would love to find a really decent guy, who loves Nature, and, who I can see ongoing, who would love to date a genuine doll - - I, of course, would feel the same, - - who only would be interested in me, always.
* * * You've got to be considerate, Caucasian, be able to always keep my interest, know how to 'talk' to me, and really, finally, k n o w how to dote on a true lady. I am seeking one who would make me happy, over the longhaul. No mooches. No hassles. A no-baggage, no-drama guy, no liars, no thieves, no cheats, no backstabbers! You cannot be a 'cheap' kind of person, in any way, please! No flim-flam or double-talk . . . {You must be a one woman, unselfish man, as I am a one man woman. You also must never be interested in wanting kids, either, ever, please.}
* * * - - Please, be: An mmm mmm mmm hunk with a r i g h t way to be and so that I shall be that 'Someone' who he can appreciate, respect, and love all his natural life. You must know how to really show me. I want someone to feel proud I am on 'his sleeve' and know how to care for and about me. It's time you found real in your life - - not some spinoff from space cadets. Guys.
I don't know how to manipulate anyone, like the rest of the females always have, out there. And, the females have ALWAYS been, "an affront to my femininity". Please, I c a n ' t have that . . .
And, Thanks.
* * * - - Send me an e-mail with pictures and a way to contact you.
* * * I need someone to be proud of, too, you know.
* * * I have nothing but good, to bring to the table, and your qualities should be, at least, commensurate.
* * * I am looking for one Mr. Right. Not a bunch of Messrs. Wrong. * * * Thank you, for thinking enough of yourself, to think of me.
* * * P. S. You will never question my true age, ever! And, you must be completely healthy, w/no SBD's, no STD's, etc., No N o t h i n g !!! ~ E-mail: Gypsysblues@Yahoo.com tranny escirt,trans escorts long island ny,ebony ts listcrawler,women escorts nj,craigslist bensalem,transexual escorts boston,escorts pullman,list crawler boston,escorts in montgomery,mendocino escorts