Mon 27 Jan
White MILF looking for generous Male to cum fill ALL my holes. Greek GOddess - 40
(Philadelphia, PARX CASINO)
Very Petite and Beautiful MISTRESS for Slave training, and Crossdressers - BDSM/FETISH ONLY - 22
(Center City, CENTER CITY PHILADELPHIA, Philadelphia)
➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ This Is What Happens When... ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ - 39
(__________ King Of Prussia ___________, Center City, Philadelphia)
🍌 Report Ad 🌺 Asian Girls 🍓 Feeling Stressed? 🤔 💦🍌 💦36DD 🍌 💦🍌 💋Luscious lips 💋percent💯 - 23
(Center City, Philadelphia)
💕💕((Perfect)) 🔆🔆 SŴ㉫㉫† 🍭🍰 SA†ÏSσAඋ†Ï✿Ǹ GAµrAǸ†㉫㉫d👍 L - 21
(**Valley Forge**Hwy 76** KOP mall**, North, Philadelphia)
▐▃▃SIMONE▐ Erotic MEDITATION IwillBlowUrMind▐ Take Some U TIME 2DAY #1Classy Ebony Bbw ▐▃▐ - 32
(Chltnham WillwGrve Ft.Wash Private HOME, Germantown / Chesnut Hill, Philadelphia)
((SAN FRANCISCO BEAUTY)) __NoW ViSiTiNg Ur AreA! ___CAUTION ____SuPeR BiG B*oo*ty! ___ ((36DD)) ____ - 23
(Philadelphia, ☆ IntL. AIRPORT ☆ INCaLL ☆)
Petite Dominatrix / Mistress - - - - Available For BDSM & FETISH SESSIONS ONLY! - 21
(Center City, Philadelphia, South Philly / Center City Philadelphia)
Hello Gentlemen 😘 I'm Raven 484-219-3220 INCALL Specials - 32
(Philadelphia, West chester pa/Airport/eXton)
EDEN ~ Enjoy! It's All About YOU!! Where The Focus Is Finally Upon YOU! And It's About Time, Right - 99
(Philadelphia, Greater NE 10a-10p Or Ur Location 24:7)
congratulations you just found the girl of your dreams!!! - 29
(Center City, Philadelphia, philly,all surrounding area)
🔴🔴🔴🔴⬛⬛⬛⬛🔴🔴🔴🔴 Grand Open 🔴🔴🔴⬛⬛⬛⬛🔴 Best Asian Massage🔴⬛🔴Best Services 🔴🔴🔴🔴⬛🔴🔴🔴🔴 - 30
(Center City, Philadelphia, Philadelphia ☎☎☎☎ 267.882.8881 ☎☎☎☎)
Credit/$ Massage For That Quality You've Been Missing Etc,. NE Or Your Location 24:7 - 99
(Credit/$ ok NE {or Your Location 24:7}, Philadelphia)
For the few Upscale Gentlemen who are looking for a classy experience - 26
(Philadelphia, Phila and Surrounding.)
BRiSTOL PA - come have fun this weekend with a slutt.y THiCK WHiTE GiRL - 27
(BRISTOL BORO PA, Northeast, Philadelphia)
Artistica of Brilliance Available ~ Relaxation 24:7 With A Flair of Excellence Location of Choice - 90
(Philadelphia, Cash/Credit w a choice & locat pref 24:7)
bristol- Come PLAY DiRTY WITH ME all day today curvy redhead sweetheart with a body... - 26
(BRISTOL BORO PA, Northeast, Philadelphia)
20 Year Old Dominatrix / Mistress - - - - Available For BDSM & FETISH SESSIONS ONLY! - 20
(Center City, Philadelphia, South Philly / Center City Philadelphia)
****SEXY SATURDAYS --DAYTIMES are the BEST Times TODAY! 9am-4pm********** - 49
(Philadelphia, NorthEastPhilly)
***Sexy Seductive Upscale Exotic Woman... Lets Cum Together and Meet Up!!!!!*** - 21
(Stadium/Airport Area (Island Ave))
SEXY Mami !!!! BEAUTY WITH A BOOTY!!!! Caramel Candy!!!! Come and Taste ME - 20
(South West philly Airport area)
sexy russian brunette bombshell natasha 215 613 5034 new to area and ready to please! - 22
(outcall philly and suburbs)
SExY, SoFt CuRvEs 4 YoUR pLeASuRE / PLuMP BooTy / NiCe FramE / JU!Cy LiPs / TOP NOTCH SKILLS - 24
++++*** **SEXY SATURDAYS****** 11 Days Till CHRISTMAS!! ********* ********++++ - 49
(Philadelphia, NorthEastPhilly)
~:~:~:~Sexy Busty Blonds & Gorgeous Brunette Hotties >>> You Want A Taste??? ~:~:~:~ - 21
(Philly Incall/Outcall)
🎀✨Sexy Blonde Barbie Hazel ✨🎀 (Best party favors ) - 21
(Center City, City line ave/ Manayunk/Kop, Northeast, Philadelphia)
Sexy blond -- REAL girl next door -- independent -- FUN -- HOT - discreet -- FREE NOW!! !! !! !! - 26
*@*@*@* SEXY *@*@*@ CUTIES *@*@* YOUR *@*@* LOCATION *@*@* SPECIALS *@*@ NOW!!! - 21
(Philadelphia, OUT-CALLS DISCREET)
*~*~*~* SeXy *~*~*~ N e W *~*~*~ G i R l S *~*~* T o N i G h T *~*~*~ Out-Calls 8p-6a DaiLy - 23
===♥== ( SEXxXY ) ======== EbOnY ======== ( BEAUT Y ) ==♥=== - 20 - 19
Seductive Latina Hottie & Gorgeous Blonde & Busty Brunette Our Private Apt - 21
(Philly Incall/Outcall)
✨ seductive Samantha with $20 $40 $60 specials looking to pamper and please mature men!!✨😜👅 - 32
(Philadelphia, upper Darby)
Sexy blond -- REAL girl next door -- independent -- FUN -- HOT - discreet - - - free to meet now! - 26
{{{Sexy & Nasty as Hell:}I'm So N@sty But Always Stay Cl@ssy~Your Undercover Fre@k of the Week! - 26
(404/788-8382 Airport-VISITING)
sexxy bbw mznikki incall only!!(ss specials all day) - 23
(Center City, Philadelphia, prospect park)
sensual massage by Nikki Aimee Victoria 267-231-1313 NE Phila Credit cards Accepted - 29
(NE Philadelphia)
serious inquiries only! lana 215 698 5831 all credit cards accepted - 23
(out call at your location)
█ █ ★☆★ ███ ★☆ █ █ ★☆★ ███ ◆ 【SEXIEST】 ❤ 【ASIAN CHARMING】 ❤ 【NEW IN TOWN】 ◆ █ █ ★☆★ ███ ★☆ █ █ ★☆★██ - 21
(Philadelphia, FEASTERVILLE //【267-315-1382】// INCALL)
((SAN FRANCISCO BEAUTY)) __NoW ViSiTiNg Ur AreA! ___CAUTION ___SuPeR BiG B*oo*ty! ____ ((36DD)) ____ - 24
(Philadelphia, ☆ IntL. AIRPORT ☆ INCaLL ☆)
~❤~ ~❤ ___ SeReNiTy ___ __THiCk BiG BooTy__ ___ FR.3@.K ___ ❤~ ~❤~ - 26
(Philadelphia, ** NoRtHEaSt PhiLLY / RooSeVeLt BLvD. **)
Sexy blond -- REAL girl next door -- independent -- FUN -- HOT -- - - free to meet now! - 26
Sexy and Sensual !!!!!!!! BEAUTY WITH A BOOTY!!!! Caramel Candy!!!! Taste ME 2night - 20
(South West)
sensual massage by Nikki Aimee Victoria 267-231-1313 NE Phila Credit cards Accepted
(NE Philadelphia)
Sexy and Sensual !!!!!!!! BEAUTY WITH A BOOTY!!!! Caramel Candy!!!! Taste ME 2night - 20
(South West philly Airport area)
SeXXXY Sexxxy Fun With Me! You Can Come To Me My Discreet Place Or Out 2 U! - 22
(InCall Philadelphia Or Out T)
Saturday surrender Sacred Spot sensual massage with the Gorgeous Black Queen,Quick Fix $80
(Chestnut Hill,Mt.Airy,Cheltenham)
Sexxy BBW !!! Mz. Savage in calls only $50 morning specials Waiting to please grown and sexy men - 32
(Philadelphia, upper Darby)
————————— *S_E_X_Y* -———————— _E_X_O_T_I_C ————————— *French an Italian! Ava :) - 22
(Philadelphia, KING OF PRUSSIA iNcall's <~)
SeXii WhiTe chOcOLaTe lOokiNg FoR hEr sUGaR dADdy! SpEciAls! GFE! - 21
(City ave and belmont. Incall only!)
S E X Y & Super H O T ! High End Clientele Only ! VISITING Oct 2-10 - 69
(Philadelphia, WEST SUBURBS)