Fri 10 Jan
_★• New Girls!! •★• $100 SPECIALS ** $100 SPECIALS **** $100 Specials ** •★• Out-Calls - 21
(Philadelphia, $100 OUT-CALLS, FAST SERVICE)
NEw"! FUN Size Pleasure.. chocolate and Petite...Enjoy - 22
(Philadelphia, Southwest/phila-metro in/out calls)
looking for some fun im new in town call/txt now im available now!!! - 22
(Philadelphia, west philly)
LeAviNg @ NOoN ~* _♥_ iRiSh/iTaLiAn ♥_ SwEeT SaSsY TrEaT 100% NaTuRaL HoT SpeCiALs - 25
(Philadelphia, king of prussia in-out calls)
$$$$👅💦💧🇹🇮🇬🇭🇹🇪🇷ⓣⓗⓐⓝ ⇑HERS⇑ &⇓HERS⇓↳MAGIC MOUTH👅💦 - 19
(Philadelphia, West, Wynnfield, Upper Darby Incall & Ou)
HIGHLY REVIEWD Big Booty Blue Eyes Busty Italian Blonde #1 FETISH PROVIDER 100% REAL PIX - 23
(Philadelphia, philadelphia SPECIALS LEAVING SOON)
CoMe TaSte My IciNG🍦SoFT & SeXY I'll MeLt On YouR 👅💦 - 20
(North, out calls north philly Germantown mt.air, Philadelphia)
Click Here, Sexy Island Girl That Does Things Ur Girl Will Never Do & I Luv What I Do!! - 22
(Philadelphia, all philadelphia areas)
💲💲CoMe bE mY💋 LaTe💋 NiGhT 💏LoVeR 💏CaN YoU mAkE iT 🔥HoTt 🔥DaDdy GiA NeEds sOmE 🔥wArMiNg uP🔥 - 28
(Philadelphia, West, West philly)
come join tasty $$ill come to u or u can come to me$$ specials all day and night $ ill negotiate $$ - 20
(Philadelphia, northeast philly)
beautiful, in the city ,also wiht the best prices that no one can beat !!!!!!!! - 23
(philadelphia in calls and out)
(¯`'·.¸☎ ¸.·'´¯) Beautiful Snowbunny in/out Calls (¯`'·.¸☎ ¸.·'´¯) - 22
(Philadelphia, Philly airport in//out)
100% real pics have some fun with London get lucky promise #1 dream girl 2678156232 - 21
(Philadelphia, northeast outcalls only)
100 Special`Classy Beauty Wth The Right Duty`100 Special - 25
(philadelphia airport area in/out calls)
tREASURE * uNFORGETTABLE * pERFECT * pLEASURE * sUPER seXXy bLONde -iN &OUt; calls ! **267*593*7232 - 23
(Philadelphia, hORSHAM && nORTh EAST -- iN &OUt; cALLS !)
TOTAL SATISFACTION; You Sure You Can Handle This LIBERIAN Bombshell?? 100% Real Pics - 18
(West Philly)
😘Thick BlACk BEauti 👀 for All New CoMers 👌5"3 145 thiCk RounD Bottom ,, Juicy💋LIpS - 22
(Philadelphia, Philadelphia /Olney)
💎 💎sky 🍸 🕙 I Don't Clock Watch 🕙 ⭐✴✴80 Speci@l✴✴ out calls only - 21
(Philadelphia, sw/west/darb/upper darby out calls only)
sick of the same faces when you come2town check out chocolate goddess kandy - 23
(Philadelphia, northeast/incalls)
////PaOla &FriEnD; ////NEW IN TOWN// -BIg Breast and big round booty-** 2-GIRLS- SuPeR- SpEciAL** - - 35
Mature /// Classy & Real /// Mature & Fun! /// Actual Photos NO BAIT AND SWITCH THERE - 26
(Northeast, Philadelphia, South/west/onley/uptown/northeast)
HOT & SASSY- PETITE & CLASSY ×°x°× SuPeR sWeEt ×°x°× yOuNg BlOnDe pRiNcEsS ×° x°×100% REAL PICS - 22
★EvErY BoY's WiSh ★EvErY HuSbAnD's SeCreT ★EvErY N's FaNt@sY★ call 610-990-1030. OUT CALLS ONLY - 25
(Center City, OUT CALLS by airport Delco / Essington, Philadelphia)
$50$50 PETITE Lebanese & Black Mixed Freak SO SWEET N TASTY !!$50$50 - 20
$60 Specials-->Isis the Big Booty Freak is ready to Play so come and Celebrate with Me! ! ! $40 - 22
(Philadelphia, Upper Darby, WP, Sw P, OVERBROOK)
2 playmates for 200 hr!!! 100% real and recent pics !cash/credit - 21
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh, washington, cranberry)
******NEW IN TOWN******ready ****TO have SUM fun WIT COCO N HONEY DIP $$$ no block callers - 23
(Philadelphia, upper Darby n west philly north and sp)
*iNDEPENDENT*OUTCAll for A DESIREABlE & Playful time W/A Sensual, EX0TiC, Captivating 100%REAL Woman - 22
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh Outcalls)
PLEASURE GARUNTEED . SEXy UNFORGETAbLE amazing MERMAID BARBIE . Call me . new number. Center city - 22
(Philadelphia, Center city. Incall .Outcall major hotel)
Mature, Feminine and Edgy for Your Pleasure ..... - 28
(Philadelphia, Philadelphia,bucks,chester,delco,montco)
better then the rest. and simply the best. and 2 day u can pay less. - 19
(Philadelphia, center city)
@*@*@ $100 HOT&HORNY;, WAiTING for YOU 2 PUT iT ON ME $100 @*@*@*@Dont DELAY! IM THE BEST Around - 18
*~* Thursday Afternoon & Evening Special ONLY TODAY!!! Out calls Only All Ebony Girls*~* - 18
***** The *** Best ** Out-call** Rates * Around * Tonight* New* Girl * Here *Ready?10PM-6AM OUT2U - 24
sweet mix hazel mami ready for fun 60$$ quick stop special $60 $$$ - 22
(Philadelphia, lower northeast (outcalls only no incall)
██ ▒▒▒❤▒▒▒ ██ Sweet. Asian ██ ▒▒▒❤▒▒▒ ██ SEXY * BODY ██ ▒▒▒❤▒▒▒ ██ NEW IN TOWN██ ▒▒▒❤▒▒▒ ██ ██ ▒▒ - 21
(Philadelphia, PHILADELPHIA OUT CALLS / 267-788-0990)
Sexy,Wet & Wild Ebony Escorts Available Now...Call now For Our Evening Outcall Rates - 21
(CenterCity...Serving Any Location)
RETIRING Last Day in PA 23 Xmas 125 Hot Specials Come see me ASAP - 28
(Philadelphia, South Philly Near the Staduims)
I Love Totally Pleasing A Mature Gentleman Who Appreciates My Young and Fit Body While Being Watched - 28
(Philadelphia, 15 Mins South of Philly Airport)
~If You Know Whats Right, You'll Call Me Tonight!~ - 20
(Philadelphia, Philadelphia/ Penrose Ave! Incall Only!)
HIGHLY REVIEWD Big Booty Busty Blonde Blue Eyed Italian FETISH QuEeN 100% REAL PIX - 23
(Philadelphia, philadelphia~)
🚨$80 IN/OUT CALLS SPECIAL limited time only🚨 (Northeast Philla) 2676421788OUTS CALLS - 22
(Center City, Northeast, Philadelphia)
2 Girl 100$ OUTCALL/ special Put it where you like, have it your way.. (267) 252-8424 - 24
(Center City, Out calls .. tri state. philly, Philadelphia)
(Jenna 🍊🍊 Juggz) Stacked 👠 From The Front 2the Back 💋 215-526-1123 - 28
**VicToR!@** has ©um 2 bl~W ur MinD. this blOndE; lLEGS, Arched Back, silky skin, emerald eyes~ - 28
(Center City, center city,surrounding areas,Outcalls, Philadelphia)
💋💓Out Calls & In Calls💞💕💞You're Favorite Brown Skin Bunny💞💕 - 22
(Center City, In Calls & Out Calls, Philadelphia)
Once You Call Laci You'll Never Call Anyone Else - 26
(Philadelphia, philly airpot in calls or out calls)
other language goddess is here... call me Samantha j. ask about da GG if interested.
(IN/OUT CALLS Airport)
💚💜💙💛Monday specials 💋💋 Verified 💕💓 real pics 💚💜💙💛 Your New Girlfriend 💋💖 - 21
(Philadelphia, KOP💚 💜💙💛)
FeTiShS ° H Ѽ R ° ThaN ° Â V R Â G ° iF sHeS Good...IM BETTER ° 100% Russian - 23
(Philadelphia, Roosevelt Blvd Near Cottman Ave)
C H O C O L A T E D e l u x e !!! Last night to come play with me gentlemen*** - 22
(Philadelphia, Northeast Speciallls!!! in and out calls)
By NaTuRe FraKy By ChOiCe Come Get A Real Taste Of HeAvEn HUGE BOOTY PeRkY DD's FETISH QUEEN - 23
BUSTY BEAUTIFUL LATINA vixen girl of your DREAMS= time of your life ! 206-629-2484 - 21
(Allentown, Easton)
🎀 👈 🎀 BlaCkEr the bErRY💓🌸sWEetEr the jUIce 💦💦 - 26
(Allentown, Incall allentown / outcall everywhere)
Thu 09 Jan