Sat 04 Jan
♡ ♥💕💕 ♡T H E ♡ ♥💕💕 ♡ B E S T ♡ 💕💕♥ ♡ I S ♡💕💕 ♥ ♡ H E R E ♡💕💕 ♥ ♡ C A L L ♡ ♥ ♡ N O W ♡ - 21
(Philadelphia, Parx Casino / Street Rd)
The Best Of Both World Is At Your Service! Black and a Mixed breed At The Same Time! 100$ Specials!! - 21
(Philadelphia, Northeast/blvd)
TAYLOR 💕 CaPTiVaTiNG*¨*ADDiCTiVe ✨ "I'LL PuT ThE MaGiC BAcK In YoUR LiFe".✨💖✨ CaLL Me⭐☎⭐267-475-2813 - 38
(Philadelphia, NE Philadelphia)
SWEET SWEET DEALS But only here for a short time... Call me any time 24/7 - 21
(Philadelphia, West Philly)
Sweet, sensual and sexy! Beautiful and delectable Ebony Playmate! - 19
(Center City, King of Prussia, Pottstown, Exton, Philadelphia)
Terri Bombshell doing incall upscale ne Philadelphia location $ 100 special - 26
(Philadelphia, ne philly incall all night)
**** .....Tatted ROCK§TAR Sweet & Petite **** ($$ specials $$) - 20
(Philadelphia, Northeast / Roosevlt Blvd~Cottman)
++++++****Tempting TUESDAYS ++++++Tempting TUESDAYS *******++++ Tempting TUESDAYS ************** - 49
(Philadelphia, NorthEastPhilly)
TAKE A°°* »-(¯`v´¯)-» FIRST ✈ CLASS ✈ ✈TO ✈ PLEASURE »-(¯`v´¯)-» SPECIALS - 23
(Philadelphia, Roosevelt Blvd Near Cottman 70SPECIAL)
Sweet Gorgeous Cali Girl Ready To Be Your Playmate - 23
(Philadelphia, south 95 international airport Philly)
* SWeeT * SeXy }} BLue-eyeD STRaWBeRRy BLoNDe {{ CLaSSy * NEW in ToWN!! * - 24
(Downtown Philadelphia)
💛🎃 SweeT PumkiN piE 🎃💛TrY Me 🎃 - 27
(Center City, conshohocken KOP lafayette Hill Broomall, Philadelphia)
**~**SweeT SEXY Young HoTTie HERE!! ITs your TIME 2 RELAX Let ME SPOIL you!!**~** - 23
(Philadelphia, phila,del.TRISTATE area (outcall))
S.Y.N.N.F.U.L.L & Bubblicious $125H & Up! - 26
(Philadelphia, I76 EXIT 341/ROOSEVELT BLVD & BRIDGE ST)
Sweet Angel or Dirty Devil - You Decide - well review Brianna - 25
(Philadelphia, roosevelt blvd and grant)
SUPER-SeXXi * * * ( DRoP DEAD GoRGEoUS ) * * * BaRBiE DoLL - 20
(Philadelphia, NE Philly ****** Incalls)
:*★¨*: • { SWEET } •:*• ☆ ¨*:• { SEXY } • :*★¨*: •{ DOMINICAN }•: *¨•☆*:• - 21
(Philadelphia, Delaware County Outcalls/DARBY)
Super MEGA Tag Team Ebony Soul SISTAS SuperStar Huge Dynamic Massive TiTs - 39
T R I N I T Y ** VISITING * * Blue Eye'd _ Blonde * Sweet _&_ Petite ** COMPLETE PACKAGE ** - 21
(Center City)
S€X¥ CaRamel✓ AMAZ¡NG SK¡LL$ *ExxoTiC* ✓NiC€ @SS ✓R£@D¥ NoW ✓- SPecials - 23
(Philadelphia, Philly,Nj,Delaware Outcall)
SWEET ×x ((* C*L*A*S*S*Y*)) xx SEXY x x( ( E*x*O*C*T*I*C* )) xx H*O*Txx * TREAT - 23 - 21
Super Craving And Addictive Mixed Dominican Willing n Ready \greatreview - 21
(Philadelphia, airport area)
Sunshine 💎 New In Town Mixed Beauty 💋 waiting get Fr💦aky & Put this as$on you 610-973-7782 - 21
(Philadelphia, Roosevelt Blvd / Greater Northeast)
☆♡☆♡☆♡ S T U N N I N G CALIFORNIA B L O N D E/ G R E A T B O D Y ♡☆♡☆♡☆ - 25
(Philadelphia, U P S C A L E 💋 K O P MALL)
💥School chicks get G.E.D💥I tease❤guys❤makem B.E.G💥🔥🔥💯Brownskin ❤Rozayy💯🔥🔥💦2676274029💦OUT - 24
(North, Philadelphia, 💥City Line Ave❤ west Philly ❤Outcall 💥)
▇♥▇▇♥▇ Real Pics ▇♥▇▇♥▇ Great Skills ▇♥▇▇♥▇ Good Attitude ▇♥▇▇♥▇ Dont Miss Out▇♥▇▇♥▇ - 20
(Philadelphia, Upper Northeast area)
::::::::: ::: Sara :::::: :::: really nice and fun:::::::: ready now - 23
(Northeast, Outcalls, Philadelphia)
Remember Me⁉️ Phillys Favorite Is Back ☺️😍 LAST DAYS HERE Call Now 100% REAL $8O specials - 22
(Philadelphia, Airport incall only)
RatEd A#1 ▓ ▒ThE▓ ▒ * ❤.•*PerFecT ▓ ▒ * ❤CHOicE •▓ ▒ N!sA ▓ ▒CalL Me - 28
(Philadelphia, Valley Forge Incall)
Real Deal💃👠💋🌹What You See is what u GET🍑💯💯💯💯Outcalls- - 25 - 25 - 25
(Center City, Drexel Hill ,Delaware County,Center City, Philadelphia)
🔥👑Puerto Rican QueenQueen👑🔥👑INCALL OUTCALL SPECIALS🔥Ready To Spice Up Ur Day🔥👑 - 28
Review Me , or keep me your dirty little secert, ALONE BORED COME KEEP ME COMPANY - 23
(Philadelphia, Ne headed to AIRPORT)
Reviewed!《《 SiNYHA 》》♥《《 CuTE __ BruneTTe 》》♥《《 SeXY __ BoDY 》》》♥《《100% ReaL PHoToS》》♥《《 DiScReEt》 - 23
(Philadelphia, Airport Incall- Essington)
REAL GIRLS, REAL PICTURES, REAL SERVICE, very prompt and discreet cash/credit 24/7 - 21
(Pittsburgh, pgh(1hour radius))
Returning Sept 16-17th *** Partial and Total Transformations Free Sissy parties 7pm-9pm! - 49
- - REVIEWED!! HOT! and VERIFIED!! - - New and VISITING town! - 22
(Scranton, Harrisburg, York, Philly, Allentown)
S -:¦:- E -:¦:- X -:¦:- Y -:¦:- S -:¦:- E -:¦:- D -:¦:- U -:¦:- C -:¦:- T -:¦:- I -:¦:- V -:¦:- E - 20
RED LIGHT/ After Work/ HAPPY HOUR SpeCiAL~ Gorgeous & NAtural 38Gs & 48in JuiCY BooTY!!! 2 Girl Sp!! - 25
Report Ad☠DOminicAN ☠ [Sk¡Ll§ That WilL AmaZ€ U] ♥o°N@ughTY HabiTS ♥o°Available Now $pecial hurry - 24
(Philadelphia, Incalls only/Airport area)
✔Rita Léon!! ☆☆☆ 100 % Freak REAL PICS Center City All Philadelphia, NJ and Surrounding Counties - 25
(Philadelphia, Center City/ SW/ NE)
(((((( New ))))))) Fun (((( ((( bombshell )))))) Ready 4 Fun !!!!!!!!! - 24
(Philadelphia, Outcalls Only)
naughty naughty naughty naughty naughty naughty naughty naughty naughty COLLEGE PRINCESS - 20
(King of Prussia - incalls)
*♥ NeW (CuTiE w/ JUICY 5o InCh BOOTY )) *ViSiTiNg* .4rm. *SeaTTLe* *=*FoR A LiMiTEd TimE!! - 24
(*♥*Center City Incall & Outcalls)
(¯`'.¸ ¸.'´¯) ___ NEW__ to___ PHILLY__in town short time.___ SKyLeR ° (¯`'.¸ ¸.'´¯) - 19
(Philadelphia, Northeast/Roosevelt Blvd/)
__NEW ___♥___ :[ [--- ExXxOTiC --- BRUNETTE --- BEAUTY --- ] ]: ___♥___ NEW__ - 23
(♥ Plymouth Meeting / KOP ♥)
💋 💋 Need A Good Time?? 💋❤ 💋❤💋 Look No Further 💋 💋 specials all nite - 21
(Philadelphia, Roosevelt blvd /northeast)
°¡° N E W IN TOWN °¡° T H E : : B E S T : : I S : : H E R E : : C A L L : : N O W - 20
(Philadelphia, philly/ OUTCaLLS)
_ _ _ _ _ _ NEW _ _ _ _ _ _ Y0UNG _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BEAUTIFUL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JADE ROPE
(Philadelphia, king of prussia plymouth meeting casino)
*****Mz Trina Sweet Georgia Peach **** $$ 60 Thirsty Thursday Special !!!!! - 24
(Philadelphia, city line. city av incalls/outcalls)
New Girl Alert 🚨 Ms.Mini Monroe‼️Mind Altering Triple 👯💃Threat🌀😝✔️ - 25
(Philadelphia, NorthEast, surrounding areas Ur Place !!)
(NEW!!!) DoMinIcaN PrInCeSs!! 60$ specials all DAY & NiTe!! You snooze... u loose! - 21
(Philadelphia, Northeast)