Fri 03 Jan
NIKKI..✨💖 ☞BaCk In PHiLLy SePT 19Th To 24Th 💖✨Don'T MiSS Me ✨💖 PrIvATe ReSiDeNCe 💖✨☎ 267-231-1313 - 40
(Northeast ✯ Welsh & Blvd ✯ In & Outcalls, Philadelphia)
Thu 02 Jan
NIKKI..✨💖 OnLy 3 MoRe DaYs In PHiLLy 💖✨ Don'T MiSS OuT ✨💖✨ QuiET PrIvATe ReSiDeNCe💖✨ ☎ 267-231-1313 - 40
(Philadelphia, Northeast✯Welsh & Blvd✯Private Residence)
🍓 NEW 🍓 SLIM, TIGHT & ️TASTY 💦 Come splash in my waterfall OUTCALLS - 22
(CC, Philly, Airport, KOP, Philadelphia)
Come Get Some Of My Brown Sugar Guys.. Yes, I Got What U Need;) - 21
(Philadelphia, Incalls/North Philly)