Sat 04 Jan
★• KiSsAbLe LiPs... BiG...STICk.. w/ BoOtY n ToE CuRLinG tRiCks.. •★• - 21
(Philadelphia, PENNS LANDING / 5STAR Hosting)
lets get it hot big booty phat titties curvy thick body long sexy legs third leg too ;) !!! - 27
(Philadelphia, philly hotel)
IN-CALL 24:7 White Beautiful Sexy Hot & Wanting U My Priv Quiet NE HOME Ctmn & Castor - 22
(Philadelphia, IN-CALL24:7MyQuietNEHOMECtmn&Castor;)
Looking no further blue eye 👸Barbie is here with a hard candy🍌 - 26
(Philadelphia, Rising sun and olney)
-★ -Huge IMPLANTS PARTY🎉Ski♋ Lovely shemale ❤ ❤ ❤PARTY❤ »-★» ❤PARTY❤ »-★-» ❤PARTY❤ » Ready Now!!!💥 - 24
(Dekalb pike, KIng of PRUSSIA, Philadelphia)
Last Day!!!Spanish Bombshell Ts Exotica {9 Reasons} *The Ultimate Exp.* (South Philly) - 22
(Philadelphia, South Philly/Snyder Ave)
Fri 03 Jan
Visiting ___ Busty ____ White____ American _____ Goddess____ Come___ &___ Experience_ True Bliss!!!! - 26
(philly airport)
Wow a 100% WHITE T-Girl 40D 9" in newark ,de till 5/6 allentown 5/6-5/8 - 30
(Philadelphia, newark/de)
💋💋💋petite ITALIAN beauty visiting KING OF PRUSSIA for a limited 💋💋💋 - 25
(KING OF PRUSSIA, Philadelphia)
NASTY nasty big booty kim Come SEE how nasty i cAN get - 26
(Philadelphia, SHARON // HILL/ DARBY ARE)
Im The Teacher, Your Late For Class BadBoy *!**!*__ *!* EBONY*!*__ *!*! GRAT RATS - 23
(Philadelphia, Front&Fisher;(NrthEst))
••• L¡PS ——( P€RK¥ ) ——€XOT¡C H.U.N.G. CUT¡€ —— PLUMP BOOT¥ ••• - 22
(Philadelphia, ****SW PHILLY & DARBY AREA****)
Thu 02 Jan